The Trails at International Park

Trail Rules
- The Trail is open to all non-motorized users. Motorized wheelchairs and golf carts are permitted in authorized areas only. All users must stay on the path (Clayton County Ordinance 2019-32)
- The trail is open from dawn to dusk. The trail is closed at night.
- Trail users must refrain from entering private property. The lake is considered private property.
- Keep right, pass on the left. Say “passing on left.”
- Alcoholic beverages, drugs, and unlicensed firearms are not allowed on the trail.
- Vandalism and theft of trail amenities will result in prosecution.
- Reckless use of a bicycle or skates which endangers other trail users is prohibited. (Clayton County Ordinance 2009-85)
- Pets are required to be restrained at all times on a leash no longer than 6 feet in length.
- Please report maintenance issues to (770) 477-3766 and 911 for all emergencies.
- All other rules and regulations can be viewed at (Clayton County Ordinance Chapter 66)

Get Fit Clayton!
In an effort to encourage Clayton County residents to improve their physical fitness while also enjoying the county’s many natural amenities, the Clayton County Board of Health and the Clayton County Department of Parks and Recreation are collaborating on a new initiative – Get Fit Clayton.
The objective of Get Fit Clayton is to enhance and refurbish the fitness trails in four Clayton County parks: Clayton County International Park, Gerald Matthews Park, Independence Park and Rex Park. The upgrades will include better lighting and landscaping on the trails, as well as new mile markers and signs every one-half mile, to better inform walkers and runners how far they have traveled. The goal is that more Clayton residents will Get active, Get motivated, Get moving and Get Fit.
Stay Connected to Our Initiative. Visit Other Non-International Park Trails